Gouverneur CSD holds public hearing on school safety plan

by Rachel Hunter

The Gouverneur Central School District Board of Education held the Public Hearing on the 2024-25 Gouverneur CSD School Safety Plan on Monday, July 22 at 5:30 p.m. before the regular meeting in the GHS Auditorium.

Gouverneur CSD Board of Education President David Fenlong opened the public hearing. He noted that the purpose of the public hearing was to discuss updates and revisions to the District-Wide School Safety Plan, as enumerated in Education Law and Commissioner’s Regulations. The plan is designed to prevent or minimize the effects of serious violent incidents and emergencies and to facilitate the coordination of schools and the School District with local and county resources in the event of such incidents or emergencies. Gouverneur CSD Superintendent of Schools Jackie Kelly noted that no public comments were received. The public version of the 2024-25 Gouverneur CSD School Safety Plan has been posted online at www.gcsk12.org. It is anticipated that it will be adopted at the August 19 meeting of the Gouverneur Central School District Board of Education. For more information, visit www.gcsk12.org.

Gouverneur CSD Board of Education President David Fenlong called the regular meeting to order at 5:32 p.m., and led all in the Pledge of Allegiance.

During discussion, Board President Fenlong announced that the New York State School Boards Association (NYSSBA) Annual Convention will be held October 20-22, 2024 in NYC. As of July 22, the Board had one member interested in attending.

There was no financial report, or unfinished business reported.

Upon presentation and recommendation of Supt. Kelly, the Board approved a series of items as a consent agenda. This included the minutes of the special meeting and organizational meeting, claims auditor’s reports, CSE business, student activities report, and the treasurer’s report. In a point of discussion, Board Member Laurie Roberts said: “It was nice to see in the claims auditor’s report the number of kids attending the (ARPA-funded) sports camps. It’s nice to see that opportunity for coaches and kids, transportation included.” The consent agenda carried with full support of the Board.

Upon presentation and recommendation of Gouverneur CSD Superintendent of School Jackie Kelly, the following personnel items were approved:

The Board approved the recommendation to abolish one position of 12-month Courier, effective immediately. It was noted that this position is currently vacant. The Board then approved the recommendation to create one position of Courier/Food Service Helper (12-month), effective immediately. It was noted that, under the terms of the GSRPU contract, the position would be for 8 hours, with approximately 3 hours daily as a courier and 5 hours daily as a food service helper.

The Board approved the resignation request by Robert Kotz from the position of Middle School Principal, effective August 6.

The Board approved a series of administrative appointments. The Board appointed Michael S. Hammond as Middle School Principal (effective July 23). The Board appointed Alison Connelly as Elementary School Principal (PreK-Grade 1), effective August 12. The Board appointed Margeaux Davis as High School Assistant Principal (effective August 6).

The Board also appointed Olivia Montagno as Music Teacher.

The Board revised the probation dates of Bradley Davis (appointed at the July 1, 2024 organizational meeting) to the position of Reading AIS Teacher at the High School, for a three-year probationary period commencing on September 3, 2024 and anticipated to end on September 2, 2027. Mr. Davis was previously granted tenure.

The Board appointed Chelsi Peck to the Keyboard Specialist position, effective July 23.

The Board appointed the following personnel as substitutes for the 2024 Middle School Summer School program: Cathy Schiszler, Ann LaRock.

The Board appointed the following personnel for summer Regents review, August 12-15, 2024: Michael Bason, English (Tuesday & Thursday), Saddie Whitaker, Earth Science (Monday and Wednesday), Terri Whitaker, Algebra (Monday and Wednesday), and Sarah Wood, Living Environment (Tuesday and Thursday).

The Board appointed Rick Vrooman as an uncompensated Volunteer Assistant for Football during the Fall 2024 season.

The Board appointed the following students as lifeguards for the 2024-25 school year: Reagan Devlin, William Riutta, and Riley Shepherd.

The Board approved the appointment of returning substitutes for the 2024-25 school year, including the following: Katelynn Ayen, Maureen Baer, Amber Barr, Evelyn Barton, Valerie Bogardus, Caitlin Cardinell, Allison Carvel, Antoinette Cogan, Hailey Cook, Pamela Doty, Alyssa Edick, Julia Fahrig, Tina Fordyce, Britney Gardner, Sharon Gates, Jennifer Hay, Laura Hayden, Gina Johnson, Alexandria Klimowicz, Anita Mantia, Ethan Matthews, Tracy McCarthy, Jamie Mitchell, Peyton Mussaw, Kaylee Ordway, Donna Parks, Sarah Riutta, Maureen Schesser, Cathy Schiszler, Nikolaus Schiszler, Deana Shepard, Cole Siebels, Abigail Simmons, Anita Sleeman, Kateena Smith, Roxanne Todd, Jane Trowbridge, Ashley Trudell, Erika Woodrow, Ling Wu, and Natalie Young.

The Board appointed Ferrara Fiorenza PC as legal counsel to the District for the 2024-2025 school year, at their established rate.

The Board appointed Board Member Laurie Roberts as the NYSSBA Advocacy Liaison for 2024-2025.

The Board appointed Board Member Nickolas Ormasen as the voting delegate for the NYSSBA Virtual Annual Business Meeting.

The Board set the hourly rate for the Extended Day After School Program tutors at $40, effective September 3, 2024.

The Board approved outside service provider as follows: Nancy Davis Behavior Consultant Services (Summer, July 11-August 30, 2024) and (School Year, September 1, 2024-June 30, 2025).

The Board adopted the Standard Work Day Resolution for Employees: “Be It Resolved, that the Gouverneur CSD, Location code 74003, hereby establishes the following as standard work days for its employees and will report days worked to the New York State and Local Employees’ Retirement System based on the time keeping system or the record of activities maintained and submitted by these members to the clerk of this body: Courier/Food Service Helper, 8 hours standard work day.”

There was no public comment received during the regular board meeting.

The next regular meeting of the Gouverneur CSD Board of Education will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, August 19 in the GHS Auditorium. For more information on the Gouverneur CSD, visit www.gcsk12.org.