Village board informed about Trunk or Treat on Oct. 26

by Rachel Hunter

At the Oct. 16 meeting of the Village of Gouverneur Board of Trustees, Trustee Donna Lawrence (who also serves as Vice President of the Gouverneur Chamber of Commerce) promoted the Gouverneur Trunk or Treat, sponsored by the Community Health Center of the North Country and Seaway Valley Prevention Council, in partnership with the Gouverneur and St. Lawrence County Fair Association, Gouverneur Central School District and Gouverneur Chamber of Commerce, which will be held on Friday, October 26, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., at the Gouverneur Fairgrounds.

Motorists are asked to park in the Gouverneur Central lot on E. Barney St. Costumed children will then make their way through the fairgrounds entrance between the parking lot and the Gouverneur and St. Lawrence County Fair office. They will then walk down the Gouverneur Fair Midway, stopping at each vehicle with decorated trunks and receive their treats.

This is a free community event, and all are invited to attend.

The Gouverneur Trunk or Treat is still looking for individuals, community organizations, and businesses to decorate a trunk and hand out “treats” on Oct. 26. For more info, call or text Patti Hogle at (315) 713-4861 (work) or (315) 276-9935 (cell), or email

“This is just a safe, family-friendly, fun way for people to get together, enjoy Halloween and get some very positive messaging on the resources available to help families with substance use issues,” CHCNC Spokesman Raymond Babowicz said.

For more info, call or text Patti Hogle at (315) 713-4861 (work) or (315) 276-9935 (cell), or email