Village of Gouverneur COVID-19 Pandemic Update

submitted by Mayor Ron McDougall

Well Gouverneur here we are on week fifty-nine of this dreadful pandemic. Remember the following seven pillars:







  7. GET VACCINATED (when available to you)

In breaking news this past weekend both Federal and State Governments approved the Johnson and Johnson vaccine suspension to be over effective immediately. The eleven day so called pause will help a number of our citizens who prefer the Johnson and Johnson so called one and done vaccination process. It should be noted that our St. Lawrence County Health department has at least 100 Johnson and Johnson shots available at present and expect more to be available soon.

For pillar number 7 vaccinations are possible by the following means:

  1. To register you can get on the NYS site - am I eligible and if this becomes difficult you can also call one of the following numbers where you will be able to talk to a person and schedule your vaccination. The number is 1-833-NYS-4VAX OR 1-833-697-4829.

  2. Here in St. Lawrence County older adults needing assistance scheduling vaccine appointments can call the County Office for the Aging at 315-386-4730. St. Lawrence County Public Transit is offering route deviations to bring riders to COVID-19 vaccination sites. Maps and schedules are viewable at The Public Health Department is also available to assist with registration and answer questions at 315-386-2325 or

Globally, India which seems to be most infected country presently with of course a dense population and a limited amount of vaccines or health care capacity. Worldwide there is an estimated 150 million cases that have been documented of which well over 3 million have lost their lives.

Here in our own country we are averaging 50,000 positive cases per day which is down about 10 percent from a week ago. Nationwide vaccines seem to be widely available at this time with the addition of the Johnson and Johnson being added to the supply chain. Of our 50 states and territories Michigan seems to be the most severe infected state at this time.

In State news the Governor was in Syracuse yesterday and announced the State Fair will go on this year as scheduled for the full 18 days from August 20th until September 6th. However there will be strict COVID guidelines instituted and 50 percent capacity limitations. In other state news on Friday, April 23rd it was announced that 60 year olds and above will be able to access vaccine clinics by simply walking in. This will be effective statewide however it is recommended to still schedule appointments when possible. Also effective April 1st all Correctional Facilities will be reopened to visitations with COVID guidelines in place.

From the Control Room Board our top priority remains getting as many people vaccinated with whatever type of vaccine is available as soon as possible. Here in Northern New York our rate of infection decreased to 1.38 percent over the weekend.

In St. Lawrence County news our Board of Legislators did hold a meeting last evening. However there was no COVID presentation made by the County Health Department or their representatives. Our County Administrator Ruth Doyle did update us on vaccination clinics along with vaccine availability. In addition she was complementary to the Gouverneur Rescue Squad in there help to administer vaccines to home bound residents not only in Gouverneur but other areas of our County.

The following is Countywide data for the past week:

TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 2021 – MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2021.

NEW CASES - +95 = 7123 TOTAL (vs 131 new cases a week ago)

RECOVERED CASES - +111 = TOTAL 6915 (vs 190 a week ago)


DEATHS - 0 = still at 95 TOTAL


(vs 10,432 a week ago)


Here in Gouverneur we have had six new positive cases in the past week which stands at a total of 625 currently. At present our isolations now total five versus nine the week before last. In other Gouverneur news our Community Center in partnership with St. Lawrence County is hosting a second shot clinic on Friday, April 30th. Let me remind you to be fully vaccinated you need to get that second shot. I find it somewhat alarming that nationwide eight percent of individuals who received the first shot did not for whatever reason receive the second shot. Also this Friday, April 30th the Gouverneur Fire Department will host a so called pop up vaccination clinic from 2-4 p.m. As of this morning they have 13 open appointments available. Next week our Gouverneur Fair Board meets again and I anticipate many decisions will be made about the status of this year’s Gouverneur - St. Lawrence County Fair. With the State Fair announcement yesterday it certainly appears that our local fair will be open on a somewhat limited basis.

From my aspect as your Mayor and a Control Room Board member our COVID performance and response to it are on a continuous improvement trend. However in a bit of caution it would seem countrywide and here locally we have about half our population inoculated. The question remains what about our second half of the population? To obtain our goal of herd immunity we have to get a majority of the second half of our population inoculated. It is a fact that as our supply increases that the vaccination process is slowing. In another bit of caution remember in general our three approved vaccine types are estimated to be 95 percent effective so in turn even if you are fully vaccinated there is still one chance in twenty that you could be re-infected. So remember adhere to the pillars. Until next week keep the faith, better days are coming. Take care and God bless.