Wildcat News: Gouverneur CSD summer school programs a success

by Rachel Hunter

The success of the Gouverneur Central School District’s summer school programs were reported to the Gouverneur Central School District Board of Education at its Aug. 19 meeting.

Gouverneur Elementary School Principal Rich Trowbridge said the following: “First of all, I would like to say thank you very much for supporting the summer school program. It is a great feeling to know that our kids are somewhere for three days per week getting food and being cared for. So, thank you. We make it fun or we wouldn’t have the numbers that we have. We floated right around 70 kids per day. We were down a little bit during Fair Week and Swim Week, but that is understandable. We make it fun. Basically, we come in. We make the kids breakfast. We do 30-45 minutes of Math and ELA. We have a bit of fun at recess. We feed them, and then we send them home. So they are getting two meals, three days per week, which is awesome for some of our students. I think the teachers go out of their way to make sure the students are enjoying themselves. We had field trips to Timbernook, which the kids absolutely adored. We walked to the Fair to see the animals. We walked to the bank. We walked to New York Pizzeria to make some pizza. We had a day of swimming. One of our teachers made solar s’mores on a cardboard box and aluminum foil. It was super cool and worked awesome. We had a food truck frenzy week, which you had to be there to understand. We had an ice cream social. It is just a lot of fun. The kids have a good time. The best part is, because they are having such a good time, I don’t have a lot of discipline. I get to go, enjoy and laugh with the kids. The teachers really do an amazing job. The perfect example is that our numbers stay high. Last year, we had 80 students all summer. This year, we sent fourth grade to the middle school. So, for us to have 70, we probably had a better turnout than we really did last year. I just wanted to say thank you.” Principal Trowbridge then encouraged the Board to view a photo slideshow when time allowed.

Gouverneur Middle School Principal Michael Hammond reported the following: “Good evening Board of Education members, Supt. Kelly, and community. I am pleased to present the summer school program at the Middle School for the 2024 session. This summer, our group was a tremendous success, thanks to the hard work and dedication of our employees and the enthusiasm from our students. First, let’s highlight Physical Education, which was led by Mr. Devlin. This summer, students participated in 30-minute sessions that included a range of activities from volleyball, basketball, kickball, and frisbee. The programs emphasized hand-eye and foot-eye coordination, cardiovascular exercise, and teamwork. A rememberable experience was had at the high school during their trip to the pool where students enjoyed a Swim Day after they were tested by Mr. Devlin and the lifeguards. The students thoroughly enjoyed this culminating activity of their physical education experience.

“Next, our reading program was managed by Mrs. Baer. She worked with small groups of fourth to sixth grade students on intensive word work, including word parts, segmenting, blending, and vocabulary strategies. These students engaged in interactive word games, reading short stories, and various writing exercises.

“We were lucky to have a Life Skills and Special Ed program this year at the Middle School, led by Mrs. Buckmaster and supported by an exceptional team of TA’s – Mrs. Rose, Mrs. Simmons, Mrs. Kirpatrick, and Mrs. O’Donnell Thompson. The program provided students with practical skills and academic support. They participated in writing activities, reading comprehension exercises, and math lessons focused on real-life applications. Special projects included a walking field trip to Save-A-Lot to practice store etiquette. Students had a special event with Dr. Ben, who demonstrated gravity and forces through engaging experiments, like the egg protection using cushions and parachutes. Students also made lemonade for teachers, and participated in many activities.

“Fourth grade, as Mr. Trowbridge said, we welcomed to the Middle School this summer. That enrichment program was led by Ms. Cognetti (ELA and Science), Mrs. Stowell (Math and Social Studies), and supported by Mrs. Zira. The program included activities such as math fluency fact kit games, ELA reading of “The Chocolate Touch” and “Phoebe The Spy,” science experiments like the potato ring challenge and the aluminum foil boat challenge. Students created posters on the States and had various exercises in math concepts and interactive activities.

“In sixth grade, our enrichment program was hosted by Mr. Shattuck (Math) and Mrs. Devlin (ELA). They provided a well-rounded curriculum. Mr. Shattuck focused on reviewing ratios, unit rates and proportionality through problem solving activities. Mrs. Devlin led students in reading “Bud, Not Buddy” by Christopher Paul Curtis and exploring historical contexts, such as the Great Depression, and jazz music.”

“Our seventh and eighth grade general education enrichment and credit recovery programs were led by Ms. Anson (Math), Mrs. Neiss (ELA), and supported by Mrs. Byrns. They also delivered comprehensive instruction. Ms. Anson focused on reviewing math skills from seventh grade to prepare students for algebra, with practical applications such as budgeting and portfolio creations. The ELA students explored the Olympics and wrote research essays on athletes. Mrs. Neiss’ ELA credit-recovery students completed a novel study, practicing editing, summarizing and vocabulary skills.

“In conclusion, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to all the staff members who contributed their time, effort and expertise in making this summer program a success. We averaged 50-60 students each week. Their dedication has made a significant impact on our students’ academic and personal growth. Thank you for your attention.”

“Thank you,” Gouverneur CSD Board of Education President David Fenlong said, and opened the floor for comments from the board members present.

Board Member Laurie Roberts said: “It was such a beautiful summer. It was either blistering hot or raining hard. I am sure some of those days were hard, but I appreciate the comments on incorporating social etiquette. I know a lot of kids don’t get that opportunity, so I appreciate the time and organization it took to go to those places. It sounds like a lot of fun, and when kids are having fun, sometimes they don’t realize that they are learning. So I appreciate that took place as well. Hopefully that summer slide that a lot of kids suffer... those kids won’t suffer that summer slide as they face the academics in the fall. So, thank you for keeping that attendance up. It means a lot that those kids are coming to school and choosing to come here on those nice summer days. Thank you to everybody who had a hand in that.”

There were no further comments from the Board, and Board President Fenlong concluded the Wildcat News report with the following: “We appreciate everything you do, especially in the summer and all year round. Thank you.”

During public comment, Supt. Kelly read the following letter from Tina French: “Dear Mrs. Kelly, I am extremely grateful for the time and money the district has spent to invest in our students this summer. From my household, I had one attend elementary summer school and my older boys were able to attend both football and wrestling camps, as well as take advantage of the fitness center hours and summer football practices. This would not have been possible without the support of the district. I hope that in the future, we can look into being able to offer these opportunities again, as I am sure my children weren’t the only ones to benefit. As a full-time working mother with a husband who travels at least three weeks of every month, it is difficult to provide these opportunities without support. Had we not been provided with these opportunities, my children would have been home or with their grandmother unengaged and unmotivated. On behalf of all who were able to benefit from summer schools and the multiple district-supported sports camps, I truly thank you. I also want to extend a thank you to the many staff who support our students in multiple avenues without compensation and truly just for the good of the students and the growth of the district. My children have benefited immensely from the generosity from this district and its supporters. Again, I say thank you and appreciate all that is done to make this happen.”

“We appreciate all positive comments,” Gouverneur CSD Board of Education President David Fenlong said, expressing gratitude to all those who made the summer opportunities possible.

In other news:

The Board approved the Gouverneur Central School District School Safety Plan for the 2024-25 school year. A public hearing was held on July 22, 2024. No additional comments were received. The only change to the posted drafted was an update to the safety team members reflecting new administrators. Upon presentation and recommendation by Gouverneur CSD Superintendent of Schools Jackie Kelly, the Board of Education approved the School Safety Plan for 2024-25 to be submitted to the New York State Board of Education Department and distributed to specified agencies, as presented.

The Board, upon presentation and recommendation of Supt. Kelly, approved a series of personnel items. This included the resignations of 6-Hour Food Service Helper Connie A. Davis (effective July 31, 2024), Grade 4 Elementary Teacher Morgan Hutton (effective August 2), Secondary Art Teacher Alexis Ritter (effective August 8), and Reading Teacher Candace J. Grant (effective August 26).

The Board accepted the resignation of Rachel Curry from her position as Elementary teacher (Middle School Math AIS) and appointed Rachel Curry to the probationary position of Middle School Assistant Principal, effective August 26, 2024.

The Board approved a series of instructional appointments, including the following High School Business Teacher Angela Bicklehaupt LaJoy (effective September 3), Elementary Teacher to Reading Teacher Caitlyn Sullivan (effective September 3), Elementary Teacher Lindsey McCormick (effective September 3), Elementary Teacher Jennie Dalton (effective September 3), Elementary Teacher Ashley Barr (effective September 3), STEM Teacher Benjamin Reed (effective September 3), Title I .30 FTE Teacher – St. James Judith Tomford (effective September 3), Individual Aide to Teaching Assistant Wendy Stowell (effective September 3), Teacher Aide to Teaching Assistant Kara L. Mashaw (effective September 3), Individual Aide to Teaching Assistant Sarah Scott (effective September 3).

The Board also made the following non-instructional appointments: The Board appointed Kathryn Stubbs to the 12-month Secretary I position, effective August 28. The Board modified the appointment of Janice S. Rushlo, 6-hour Food Service Helper to the position of Courier/Food Service Helper (12-month), effective August 21. The Board appointed the following individuals as teacher aides, effective September 3: Tracy McCarthy, Caitlin Cardinell, Alyssa Edick, and Pam Doty. The Board appointed the following individuals as individual aides, effective September 3: Alexandria Klimowicz, Roxanne Todd, Amber Hosmer (pending completion of all new hire requirements), Grace Holmes (pending completion of all new hire requirements), Michelle Deaton (pending completion of all new hire requirements), and Jamie Mitchell.

The Board approved a series of substitutes and tutors for the 2024-25 school year. Returning substitutes are Patricia Bush, Sheila Callahan, Nathan Gates, Laney Smith, and Joe Wahl. The Board appointed Valerie Graves for up to 10 days for clerical support. The Board appointed Melissa Raymo for up to 10 days for clerical support. The Board appointed the following new substitutes, pending completion of all requirements: Kayla Absalon, Shannon Bishop, Jessica Currier, Riannon Holly, Dede Scozzafava, Lindsey Mandigo, and Madison Hurlbut. The Board approved the following returning tutors: Jessica Miller, Marie Moore, Kenneth Nicholas, Desiree Simmons, Ling Wu, Cherie Zira, Brittany Buckmaster, Lisa Carbone, Christine Cognetti, Lisa Dunkelberg, Julie Neiss, Jennifer (Maude) Palumbo, Kim Reed, Melinda Schiszler, Beth Siebels, Pam Stevens, Saddie Whitaker, and Terri Whitaker.

The Board appointed the following personnel for summer Regents review: Matt Miller, Global History (Monday and Wednesday).

The Board approved a revision to the American Rescue Act Summer Academic and Enrichment Camp Directors, funded through ARP: Joseph Wahl, Volleyball Camp, for an additional week of camp due to the number of participants.

The Board had its first reading of several policies that have been reviewed. The Board is recommended to delete Policy 1630 (Absentee Ballots), 6212.1 Incidental Teaching), and 7513 (Medication and Personal Care Items). The following policies were revised: 5620 (Fixed Asset Inventories, Accounting, and Tracking), 5685 (Use of Surveillance Cameras), 6192 (Workplace Violence Prevention Policy Statement), 6470 (Staff Use of Computerized Information Resources and Email), 7210 (Promotion and Retention of Student), 7370 (Student Use of Computerized Information Resources), 7521 (Students with Life-Threatening Health Conditions), 7530 (Child Abuse and Maltreatment), 8260 (Title I Parent & Family Engagement), and 8271 (Internet Safety and Internet Content Filtering Policy). The following policies – 5670 (Records Management), 5672 (Information Security Breach and Notification), 5673 (Employee Personal Identifying Information), 5674 (Data Networks and Security Access) – remain unchanged.

The Board approved the tax warrant for 2024-25 in the amount of $7,139,239 ($7,066,189 school, $73,050 library).

The Board approved participation in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Program for 2024-25. Breakfast and lunch meals will be served to all students at no cost. Breakfast for an adult is $2.95 plus tax. Lunch for an adult is $5.09 plus tax.

The Board authorized petty cash funds for the following: Tax Collector Rachel Scott ($200).

The Board changed the location of several board, originally at the Gouverneur High School auditorium. The meeting will still begin at 5:30 p.m. Meetings on November 18 and March 3 will be held in the Gouverneur Middle School Cafeteria. Meetings on December 9 and March 17 will be held in the Gouverneur Elementary School cafeteria.

The Gouverneur Central School District will welcome students for the first day of school on Sept. 5. Also announced was Freshman Orientation (Aug. 28), New Teacher Orientation (Aug. 29), Pre-K and Kindergarten Orientation (Sept. 3), Grades 1-4 Orientation (Sept. 3), Middle School Orientation (Sept. 3), Sept. 3-4 (Staff Development) Days. The next regular meeting of the Gouverneur Central School District Board of Education will be held on September 9, 5:30 p.m., at the Gouverneur High School auditorium. For more information, visit www.gcsk12.org.