by Rachel Hunter
Volunteers distributing free milk to community members in need, thanks to the weekly distribution hosted by the Gouverneur Kiwanis Club. The weekly shipment of 5,376 units of milk from Hood is received at Gouverneur Elementary and then distributed each Wednesday morning from 9 a.m. to noon. (Rachel Hunter photo)
Gouverneur Kiwanis Club President Charity Zawatski announced to the Gouverneur Tribune Press this week that all 5,376 units of milk delivered by HP Hood LLC had been delivered to families in need throughout the North Country within the first week of the free milk distribution.
The free weekly milk distribution is held at the Gouverneur Elementary School, 111 Gleason Street, Gouverneur, 8 a.m. to noon, every Wednesday through August 26. Pick-up is at the bus loop entrance at the rear of the elementary school building. Follow the traffic cones and signs for guidance to the cafeteria loading dock area, and simply let the volunteers know how many gallons and what type you would like. This is a curbside pick-up only. Please remain in your car safely distanced. Volunteers will come you wearing a face mask, abiding by COVID-19 regulations.
This milk is free to anyone. “You do not have to be a school member, student or live in Gouverneur,” President Zawatski said. “It’s open to everyone from anywhere.” All are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity.
President Zawatski also announced that the Gouverneur Kiwanis Club has partnered and shared with the Hammond Central School District, Heuvelton Central School District, Lisbon Central School District, Edwards-Knox Central School District, SLU Office of Student Activities and Leadership, Office of Aging in Gouverneur and surrounding locations (including the Gouverneur Community Center), Ogdensburg Boys and Girls Club, Salvation Army of Ogdensburg, and local food pantries in Gouverneur Ogdensburg, and Canton.
As was earlier edition of the Gouverneur Tribune Press, the first free milk distribution was held on Wednesday, July 8, the pop-up distribution event being hosted by the Gouverneur Kiwanis Club. The distribution is being made possible through the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Glazier Packing won the bid to conduct the distribution through the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and asked HP Hood LLC – one of two dairy processors supplying milk to Glazier Packing – for help finding communities in need. Glazier has, in turn, partnered with the Gouverneur Kiwanis as a registered 501c3 to coordinate the distribution.
“It’s really a joint effort between many parties,” HP Hood Communications Specialist Laura Lynn said. “But it is all being made possible because of USDA.”
In an attempt to find communities in need and reach local families, HP Hood Communications Specialist Laura Lynn said their sales team got to work, reaching out to the local community. It was Senior Sales Representative Heather Love that reached out to the American Red Cross locally in the area. “They are the ones that connected her to the Kiwanis and set up the relationship between Glazier and Kiwanis,” Lynn said.
Each week, 5,376 units of milk will be trucked to the Gouverneur Elementary School in preparation for the distribution. A total of 1,344 units of each of the following four products will be available for distribution: 2% half-gallons, 2% full-gallons, 1% half-gallons and %1 full-gallons. The distribution at Gouverneur Elementary will be through Wednesday, August 26.
All North Country community members who would like free milk are encouraged to stop by Gouverneur Elementary on Wednesday mornings from 8 a.m. to noon. Pick-up is at the bus loop entrance at the rear of the elementary school building. Follow the traffic cones and signs for guidance to the cafeteria loading dock area, and simply let the volunteers know how many gallons and what type you would like. This is a curbside pick-up only. Please remain in your car safely distanced. Volunteers will come you wearing a face mask, abiding by COVID-19 regulations.
“We do have some other volunteers coming to help – like the Gouverneur Cub Scouts Pack 2035, St. Lawrence County Dairy Princess, Tedra Cobb, Cerebral Palsy Association, and Bittersweet Farm, and our own kids that wish to help,” President Zawatski said. “We welcome volunteers and they can contact Charity if their group or organization would like to help.”
For agencies, schools or other programs, call Charity at 315-727-5839 or email at to make special large quantity pick up arrangements.
Don’t miss your chance to pick up free milk at Gouverneur Elementary this summer!