by Rachel Hunter
Brian Bennett of Bittersweet Farms in DePeyster joins Stephanie LaShomb and Gouverneur Kiwanis President Charity Zawatski filling bags of produce from local farmers to be distributed during the free weekly milk distribution on Wednesday, July 22. Mr. Bennett told the Gouverneur Tribune Press that $250 worth of produce was brought for distribution to the community on Wednesday, July 22 and $250 worth of produce from local farms will be made available for distribution at the Wednesday, July 29 distribution at Gouverneur Elementary from 8 a.m. to noon. All are welcome. (Rachel Hunter photo)
The Gouverneur Kiwanis Club received a $500 grant to support families and community during the COVID-19 pandemic from the Northern New York Community Foundation COVID-19 Community Support Fund.
Local farmers – thanks to the work of Brian Bennett of Bittersweet Farm, a small family farm in DePeyster, which is certified organic with NOFA-NY – have graciously partnered with the Gouverneur Kiwanis Club to bring fresh, local produce for distribution at weekly free milk giveaway at the Gouverneur Elementary School on Wednesday, July 22 and Wednesday, July 29. Bittersweet Farm also made an additional donated contribution to increase the amount of produce available to the North Country community.
“We appreciate the partnership with Brian Bennett from Bittersweet Farm and their local support for our community,” Gouverneur Kiwanis Preside Charity Zawatski said. “The gratitude of our community goes to the Northern New York Community Foundation and their continued support in giving back and providing for all Northern New York communities.”
Mr. Bennett this past Wednesday brought summer squash, green beans, peppers, strawberry rhubarb jam, cabbage and more – but it wasn’t just from his own garden. He said the produce came from about six or seven different farms around the North County, including some Amish families and some farms that were represented at the Canton Farmers Market. Bittersweet Farm also donated one-pound bunches of LambsQuarter, otherwise known as “Wild Spinach.” Mr. Bennett said he recommends experimenting when preparing dishes with the LambsQuarter as there are dozens of good ways to use the leaves – everything from Spanikopta (or Greek Spinach Pie) to omelets, fritatas, quiches, and stir-frys (with bacon and onions). He added that LambsQuarter is sturdier than common spinach and freezes well. The green is higher in iron and Vitamin C than any one can find in the grocery store.
Mr. Bennett said he was glad to hear about the $500 grant from Northern New Community Foundation amid the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, and the ability to help to stimulate the local farming community through this distribution effort.
While at the July 22 weekly free milk distribution, the Gouverneur Tribune Press learned that the First United Methodist Church and Kinney Drugs Warehouse donated 600 boxes of cereal to be paired with the weekly food donation.
Gouverneur Kiwanis Club President Charity Zawatski also informed the Gouverneur Tribune Press that tthe Gouverneur Kiwanis Club has partnered with Renzi Foods and will be distributing the USDA Food Boxes that are pre-packaged and contain produce, dairy and meat as available. At this time, no registration is required. The first distribution will be July 29th from 8:00-10:00 until boxes and supply are gone. “We anticipate weekly distribution as long as Renzi's has it available,” President Zawatski said. “This is a curbside pick-up at 111 Gleason Street. This is FREE and OPEN to anyone who wishes to come and get boxes of food. This is not affiliated with the Summer Feeding School Lunch Program, which is also still available. Please remain in your car, make sure your trunk is clear for loading.”
President Zawatski also announced the following: “The People Project facilitated by Mary Wills, American Federation of Teachers, NYS United Teachers and the Gouverneur Kiwanis Club all partnered and were able to get a grant sponsored through T-Mobile for Internet data hot spots for our community. We are receiving four. These are good for two years and all the data is paid for. Locally, Brandi Jenkins supported the placement at the Richville Snack Shack with one data hot spot located there for use. A second location is at the Fowler Town Hall and was supported by Rick Newvine. In addition, free books will be distributed to children as donated through the People Project.”
First UMC of Gouverneur volunteer and GCSD Board of Education Member Naaman Lowry stands with a portion of the 600 boxes of cereal that were made available for distribution at the free weekly milk distribution on July 22 at the Gouverneur Elementary School. (Rachel Hunter photo)
In conclusion, President Zawatski said: “So, clearly, during COVID-19, the Gouverneur Kiwanis Club is very active and supporting the community.”
The Gouverneur Tribune Press reminds all to take advantage of the free offerings made available through the Gouverneur Kiwanis Club, especially the free weekly milk distribution. The free weekly milk distribution is held at the Gouverneur Elementary School, 111 Gleason Street, Gouverneur, 8 a.m. to noon, every Wednesday through August 26. Pick-up is at the bus loop entrance at the rear of the elementary school building. Follow the traffic cones and signs for guidance to the cafeteria loading dock area, and simply let the volunteers know how many gallons and what type you would like. This is a curbside pick-up only. Please remain in your car safely distanced. Volunteers will come you wearing a face mask, abiding by COVID-19 regulations.
For more information, check out the GCSD Wildcats page.