by Rachel Hunter
Grace Food Pantry Founder Pastor Robert LaVeck accepting a $1,000 from Gouverneur Stewart’s Shop Store Manager. The funds were allocated from the Stewarts Holiday Match Program. The funding will go to help purchase food for those in need throughout the North Country. (Rachel Hunter photo)
Stewart’s Holiday Match Program allocated $1,000 to the Grace Food Pantry in Gouverneur. The check has been presented, and the funds will be used to purchase food items for those in need throughout the North Country region.
The Grace Food Pantry in Gouverneur is just one of more than 60 organizations in St. Lawrence County to benefit from the Stewart’s Holiday Match Program. The program, in total, was able to allocate a total of $1.88 million to a total of 1,715 organizations this year. Over $32 million has been granted since 1986. From Thanksgiving Day through Christmas Day, Stewart’s customers impressively donated over $941,000 to the program. Each individual donation is matched penny for penny by Stewart’s Shops. There are no administrative costs and 100% of the funds benefit local, non-profit children’s organizations. For more information, visit
The Grace Food Pantry has been in operation since 1999 in the basement of the Christian Life Fellowship Church, 52 Church St., Gouverneur, under the direction of Pastor Robert LaVeck. For over 20 years, the mission of the Grace Food Pantry has always been about more than just food – providing for the physical needs and spiritual concerns of the North Country community as well. The large operation is run on volunteer support. The operation takes up the entire church basement. A total of 25 freezers and refrigerators are running. Each month, local residents receive a full package of food items, including fruit, vegetables, dairy, meat, bread items, and so much more. Weekly, local residents are invited to “glean” needed items such as bread, dairy items and frozen meat. Much gratitude is extended to all those who support the work of the Grace Food Pantry in Gouverneur.
Volunteer help and financial assistance is needed now, perhaps more than ever before, due to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. The food pantry is open every Thursday from 9 to 11:45 a.m. and by appointment. Masks and temperature tests are available as well as hand sanitizing stations throughout the facility. For more information or to learn how you can donate, call Pastor LaVeck at 315-287-7656.