by Rachel Hunter
The Gouverneur Lions Club awarded the Robert J. Uplinger Distinguished Service Award to Dan and Tina Mullin of Mullin’s Restaurant in Gouverneur at a special ceremony on April 14.
“We give out these awards to people who exemplify what Lions are about,” Gouverneur Lions Club President Betsy Cummings said.
The Lions Club Robert J. Uplinger Distinguished Service Award was established in 1993. The award honors outstanding individuals (both Lions and non-Lions) or organizations who provide a significant service to their Club, District or Community. The award presentation included an engraved plaque and a letter of congratulations from the New York State & Bermuda Lions Foundation, Inc., along with a commemorative lapel pin.
Robert J. Uplinger became a member of the Syracuse Lions Club in 1946 where he served as Club president, Zone Chairman, and District Governor. He became a Lions International Director in 1964-66 and then he was elected to the prominent office as Lions International President in 1971-72. Uplinger was an industrial engineer and the owner/operator of Robert J. Uplinger, Inc., a distributor of power transmission equipment.
The letter from New York State & Bermuda Lions Foundation President Lion Richard Steger reads as follows: “Dear Danny and Tina, the officers and members of the New York State and Bermuda Lions Foundation extend congratulations for being named a recipient of the Robert J. Uplinger Distinguished Service Award by the Gouverneur Lions Club for “recognition for all you have done to fulfill the needs in the community and for helping our Lions Club.” You are among those who are honored by Lions and Lionesses for generous service. The Robert J. Uplinger Distinguished Service Award affirms your strong interest, dedication, and service to others through Lionism. The Robert J. Uplinger pin will identify you as someone who has done more than his share and truly believes in the motto of Lionism, “We Serve.” The donations to the Robert J. Uplinger Distinguished Service Award Program are a significant monetary source of the Foundation and these funds are returned to the Lions Clubs through grants to further Lionistic work. Congratulations and our best wishes to you as an honoree.”
The Mullins extended much gratitude for the award, which they hung proudly in the dining area for all to see. The Gouverneur Lions Club members told the Mullins it was a “well-deserved honor” for their dedicated service to the Gouverneur community.
For more information on Mullin’s Restaurant in Gouverneur, call 315-287-0063.