by Rachel Hunter
The Annual Gouverneur Kiwanis Club sponsored Cemetery Cleanup at Riverside and East Riverside Cemeteries on Saturday, May 1 was a success with more than 30 local residents volunteering to assist in the clean-up efforts.
The focus was on tree and branch removal, but many local residents also helped with leaf-raking and other clean-up efforts. The Town of Gouverneur Highway Department provided a payloader from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., and the Village of Gouverneur Department of Public Works provided a backhoe and operator.
Despite a year off due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Gouverneur community did not skip a beat – once again coming together to accomplish much tree and branch removal at the local cemeteries in advance of the Memorial Day holiday.
The Gouverneur Kiwanis Club also cooked and provided hot dogs and bottled water for the volunteers.
The cemetery clean-up efforts were made possible by volunteers from the Gouverneur Kiwanis Club, Gouverneur Kiwanis K-Kids Club, Gouverneur High School National Honor Society, Gouverneur Cub Scout Pack 2035, Gouverneur Lions Club, Gouverneur Garden Club, as well as many other community members.
Much gratitude is extended to all who helped with the clean-up efforts at the local cemeteries, as well as all those who made this event possible.
Gouverneur Pack 2035 Cubmaster Chris Gates told the Gouverneur Tribune Press this week that while a lot of work was accomplished during the Annual Gouverneur Kiwanis Club Cemetery Clean-Up Day on May 1, there is still a lot left to do.
Anyone who would like to assist with cemetery cleanup efforts on Saturday, May 8 are invited to arrive at Riverside Cemetery at 9 a.m. Cubmaster Gates said that the Pack also plans to set flags, clean headstones and plant trees the same day. All are encouraged to bring gloves, a rake (if you have one) and some energy to get the cemetery cleaned up before Memorial Day. For more information, call Cubmaster Chris Gates at 315-212-3033.