Gouverneur CSD Board of Education presents School Staff Recognition Award to GHS Art Instructor Robert Decker

Gouverneur Central School District Board of Education President David Fenlong presented the GCS Staff Recognition Award to GHS Art Teacher Robert Decker during the March 28 GCSD Board of Education meeting at the GHS auditorium. (Rachel Hunter photo)

by Rachel Hunter

The Gouverneur Central School District Board of Education at its March 28 meeting presented a 2021-22 School Staff Recognition Award to GHS Art Instructor Robert Decker.

GCSD Board of Education President David Fenlong said the following: “One of the things the board likes to do is recognize staff members who make a positive difference, and who are willing to go above and beyond their normal duties. This award is special as the recipient is recognized by their peers. The District Shared Decision-Making Committee receives nominees and has made the tough choice to come up with a winner for this evening. We had some great nominees, and tonight the winner is Mr. Robert Decker.”

Board President Fenlong then read the framed resolution as follows: “Whereas, The efforts of the Gouverneur Central School District Instructional Staff are essential to the successful operation of the District’s schools and programs, and

Allison Carvel as Cinderella performing in the GHS’ production of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella. Behind her is just one of the set pieces created by GHS Art Instructor Robert Decker, who was recently presented with a 2021-22 School Staff Recognition Award. Also pictured in the pit is Musical Director Kathy Buell. (Rachel Hunter photo)

“Whereas, The District Shared Decision-Making Team, in consideration of his nomination, recognizes Mr. Robert Decker as a worthy recipient of the Gouverneur Central School Staff Recognition Award for the 2021-22 school year, and

“Whereas, The District Shared Decision-Making Team determined Mr. Decker’s worthiness of this recognition because, “Mr. Decker has gone above and beyond by donating his time to build the marvelous sets for our school’s musicals over the years. He is kindhearted and very willing to create set pieces that take many, many hours to design, build and paint. He is often seen working late into the afternoons and evenings. The students and the directors really appreciate his dedication and hard work to put these together in such a short time. Our community will also enjoy all of his work when they come to the show,” and

“Therefore, The Gouverneur Central School District Board of Education recognized Robert Decker as a recipient of the Gouverneur Central School Staff Recognition Award for the 2021-22 school year. The Board of Education congratulates Mr. Decker on his nomination and award, and extends its appreciation for his dedication and service to the students and families of the Gouverneur Central School District.”

The resolution was approved on March 28, 2022 by the Board of Education of the Gouverneur Central School District.

Great applause sounded as the award was presented to Mr. Decker.

“Thank you for everything you have done for the District, Mr. Decker, as an art teacher, educator, and as well as for the musical,” Board President Fenlong said. “I went to the musical. Wonderful pieces. They really helped to bring the show together. We thank you for everything you do as an educator. You go above and beyond, so thank you again.”

Later in the meeting, GCSD Board of Education President David Fenlong said the following to GCSD Board of Education Student Representative Cole Siebels (who played Prince Topher in the GHS’ production of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella): “I just want to say on behalf of the board how truly proud we are of how well you and Allison Carvel (as Cinderella) represented the District with your interview with WWNY, and also in your roles.”

“Thank you,” Mr. Siebels said. “We had a really good time putting on the show. I know a lot of people, including myself, were really nervous about this one. There were times when we thought we were a little bit behind, but everyone really came together and worked really hard. Of course, the set was amazing. On many occasions, students would talk and say (GHS Art Instructor Robert Decker) is really keeping this show together with everything that he is doing. We were amazed at everything he did, and is very deserving of that award. We noticed many nights he would stay late into the night to finish the set pieces.” Mr. Siebels also commended the dedication of GHS Musical Director Emily Bason, and Musical Directors, Kathy and Paul Buell. “I think this is the beginning of seeing our numbers increase. I know a lot of younger people who are really interested in these musicals now and want to be a part of them. I think we did a good job promoting the shows, and I hope to see it continue and have more support into the future.”

In conclusion, President Fenlong commended all those involved in the GHS Musical on its great success. He then mentioned that the next theatre production in the Gouverneur community will be when Missoula Children’s Theatre, a professional theater company with costumes and sets, puts on a camp on July 25-30, 2022. The camp is open to all youth in grades Kindergarten through Grade 12. The opportunity is presented through the Gouverneur Recreation Department. Registration starts May 1. For more info, call Recreation Director Casey Canell at 315-287-0524.

For more information about Gouverneur Central School District, visit gcsk12.org.