by Rachel Hunter

The Free To The Community Christmas Dinner, hosted by the First United Methodist Church of Gouverneur and sponsored by the Friday Lunch Program, was held on Monday, December 23 at 34 Grove St., Gouverneur.
The Free To the Community Christmas Dinner has become an annual tradition for local families. The mouthwatering scent of Christmas ham, green beans, baked potatoes and desserts wafted through the fellowship hall at First UMC Gouverneur as a well-oiled team of volunteers prepared and served the holiday meal. By 4 p.m., dinners were already going out to eager community residents via curbside delivery.
One such North Country resident, who wishes to remain anonymous, told the Gouverneur Tribune Press that their family would not have had the opportunity to eat a hearty meal during the Christmas holiday if it were not for generosity shown at the Free To The Community Christmas Dinner. Other local residents told the Gouverneur Tribune Press said that the food received at the First UMC Gouverneur and local food pantries during the holiday season allowed them to pay their electrical bill, fuel oil, and/or rent. The North Country is reminded that local residents facing hunger are urged to take advantage of the First UMC Gouverneur’s Blessing Box Program, available 24/7 outside the church at 34 Grove St., Gouverneur. Donations for the food program are always gratefully accepted.
The First UMC Gouverneur’s Free To The Community Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinners are always well-received by the North Country community, and much appreciation is extended for their generosity and support of local residents during the holiday season. For more information, call the church office at 315-287-2440.