Gouverneur Cub Scout Pack 2035 hosts second annual Winter Games

by Jessyca Cardinell

The Gouverneur Cub Scout Pack 2035 hosted the Second Annual Northern Lights District Cub Scout Winter Games at the Gouverneur Community Center on Saturday, January 18.

Many scouts from all over came with their families to participate in the day of fun. The event allowed youngsters from various troops to get to know each other and experience a great day.

Pack 2035 Cubmaster Chris Gates, who organized the event along with many other volunteers, noted that the turnout of participants this year was much greater than previous.

Throughout the Gouverneur Community Center, tables were set up filled with various activities for all the youngsters to enjoy before the ceremony began and during.

The Opening Ceremony took place as Gouverneur Cub Scouts of Pack 2035, Nathan Massey and Bentley Brown held the flags with great pride.

All Cub Scouts saluted and recited the Cub Scout Oath, signifying the importance and devotion to their group and what it stands for.

The Cub Scout Oath is as follows: “On my honor, I will do my best. To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.”

Once the Opening Ceremony was complete, all scouts and their families were invited to participate in the games, which included an obstacle course outside, along with plenty of sledding opportunities and various other games.

A wonderful time was had by all, thanks to the tremendous efforts of volunteers and parents devoted to this wonderful pack and its many great works.